Friday 26th April

If you have any spare seeds, flower pots, soil or plants that you could donate, we would be very grateful.  We are very short of plant pots and seeds.
Many thanks!

This week at school we have been focussing on our R.E. learning.  We learnt about the concept of "Precious".  We discussed things that are precious to us and also precious in our world.  We decided that water is the most precious thing on our planet as nothing can survive without it. We then learnt how water is precious to the Christian and Hindu faiths.  The Rev. Amy Adeniran the vicar from Hope Church in Whiteley visited us to explain how water is used in Christenings and Baptisms.


In English we thought about words that are used to describe water.  We read pyramid poems and wrote our own.  In Art, we made our own collaged water droplets.
Please look out for the orange sheet in your child's book bag this week.  This is to support your child in becoming more confident in recalling and then blending the sounds that they have learnt at school so far.  In June your child will be doing the Statutory National Phonics screening check which checks their confidence in blending phonic sounds.
 Please can you practise reading the real and "alien" words on the orange sheet with your child.  Encourage them to draw on the sound buttons, then to carefully say each sound and then to blend the sounds together to read each word.  We have put the sound buttons on the words on one side of the paper so that you know where they need to go!

This week in Phonics we have revisited alternative graphemes for  "j", these are "g" (as in page or giant) and "dge" as in "bridge".  It would be great if you could practise these sounds using the games on Bug club and by reading this week's allocated book. 
Thank you!

Here is a link to the new actions for the sounds we are learning.

In Maths this week we have been learning to compare objects using mass or weight.  We found objects which had a heavier, lighter or equal mass to our cans of beans.  We ordered objects from heaviest to lightest and used non-standard units (cubes) to find the mass of different objects.  We learnt to use balance scales carefully and accurately to help us with this task.
You mightlike to choose some objects at home and order them from heaviest to lightest.
We are now counting forwards and backwards to 100. Try the games below to support this.


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