
Showing posts from November, 2023

Friday 24th November

 Friday 24th November This week at school we have continued our Geography unit of work.  We wrote sentences using adjectives about Arctic and Antarctic landscapes.  We learnt the names of the seven continents and five oceans and plotted a route to travel from the United Kingdom to Antarctica.  You might like to sing the  Seven continents song  with your child by clicking on this link! Phonics This week in Phonics we have been learning alternative spellings for the phoneme "ur".  These are "er", "ir" and "ear". It would be great if you could use the games on Bug Club to practise these sounds. The video below shows all of the sounds and actions learnt so far in Phonics in Year One and the ones we are still left to learn. Sounds and actions for all of the Phase 5 sounds Maths In Maths this week we have been learning how 2 digit numbers are composed of tens and ones. We have made 2 digit numbers using our tens frames and Numicon and practised finding

Friday 14th November

 Friday 14th November Thank you for coming to our Phonic workshops this week.  The children loved working with you in class.  We hope that you found it useful. This week we have started our geography unit of work where we are learning about the Arctic.  We read "Isaac and Iris" by Catherine Rayner and started to brainstorm adjectives to describe different geographical features e.g. caves and mountains.  We looked at the work of artist Barbara Rae and learnt how to mix and match colours in paint to create a wash for our Arctic landscape paintings. Phonics This week in Phonics we have been learning alternative spellings for the digraph "or" - these are "au", "aw" and "al". You might like to play the games we have allocated on Bug Club to practise these sounds at home. Please find an alphabet sheet in your child's bookbag to show how we are learning to form each letter with an exit stroke in our Letterjoin Handwriting programme. Maths

Friday 10th November

  Friday 10th November This week at school we have been learning how and why Hindus celebrate the festival of Diwali.  We have discussed the concept of good and evil through the story of Rama and Sita.  We made Divas out of clay to hold tea lights.  These are lit at Diwali time to light Rama and Sita's way home. Phonics This week in phonics we have been learning the alternative ways of  pronouncing long "oo".  These are ue, u_e, ew, and short "oo" written as u and oul. We learnt the tricky words "thought" and "through".  It would be great if you could use the games on Bug Club to practise these sounds. ew sound and action ue sound and action u_e sound and action oul sound and action u sound and action Maths  This week in Maths we have been learning about fractions of shapes and objects.   We learnt how to fold and cut a shape in half and identified shapes that were divided in half and those that were not. Reading Challenge Well done all those
  Friday 3rd November The children have settled back well from their half term break. Thank you for your support in dropping the children at the gate each morning. This has created a much calmer start to the day.  We have really enjoyed our history learning this week about Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot. We have learnt a rhyme to help us remember the eventful day in1605. Can your child remember it? You may enjoy watching and discussing the videos together at home.  BBC Teach videos Guy Fawkes sequencing cards Phonics In phonics we have learnt the alternative graphemes for oa (b oa t). (ow (rainb ow ), o-e (r o p e ), oe (t oe s), o (p o st).  Here are the videos with actions to support this learning. Ple ase don't forget to read and play the allocated games/books on Bug Club for these sounds. You might also like to play the games on phonics play to practice phase 5. Below is an online lesson for the o_e sound and a revisit lesson. o_e online lesso