Friday 12th January

 Friday 12th January

This week at school we have been learning more about the Great Fire of London and how Samuel Pepys wrote a diary to record events.

In Science we have been thinking about materials that are used to make buildings in the present day and which properties they have to make them suitable for this purpose e.g. the guttering at school is made of metal because metal is strong and waterproof.

In R.E. we have been discussing the concept of change in relation to ourselves, our school and the world.


Again this week we will be asking you to do the "second" read of your child's phonic reading book at home.  They will do the "first" read as a group in school.  We will then do the "third" read with your child at school next week so that we can focus on developing your child's understanding of the text including their use of inference, explanation and prediction.  It is therefore really important for your child to read their allocated Bug Club book at home in order for them to fully participate in the session at school.  Please see your child's reading log for further information on our "Three read approach" to teaching reading".

We thank you for your support with this.


In Phonics this week we  have continued to revisit our Phase 5 graphemes to develop our confidence in reading and writing words with these sounds.  This week we have revisited alternative graphemes for the ai digraph. These include ay, a_e, eigh, ey and ei. 
You might like to play the games on Bug club which practise these sounds.

In Maths this week we have been learning about the pairs of numbers that total 10 - our number bonds to ten.  We have solved problems and recorded number sentences using our number bonds to ten and used a variety of equipment e.g. cubes and Numicon to represent our number bonds.
You might like to download the free White Rose 1 minute maths app and practise quick recall of number bonds to ten with your child. In the app, click on "addition", then "bonds to 10".  A one minute practice every day would really increase your child's confidence in recalling their number bonds to ten.
Thank you for your support!


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