Friday 6th October

This week we have focused on understanding that animals need food to survive.

We have also considered how they move to survive.

You might like to observe how the animals in you garden or local park move.

We have investigated what snails eat. We have found out that they don't eat meat and do eat plants and vegetables.


This week we have learnt the alternative graphemes for ai:

ay (play) ay action

a_e (make) a_e action

eigh (eight) eigh action

ey (grey) ey action

ei (reins) ei action

We have allocated ay games for you to play on Bug Club and books to read at home.

Please remember these games can count towards your child's reading challenge, so can be recorded on their orange card.


This week we have explored money. The children have recognised coins and matched them to amounts.

Toy shop game

We have also compared length and talked about the longest, shortest, tall, tallest.

Who is the tallest in your family? Who has the longest sock or scarf? Can you make the longest playdough snake?

Please let us know if you are able to come into school to support one to one reading.

If you have any small boxes we would love to use them for 'Junk modeling'.

Our small car supply is also running short if you have any spare you no longer need.


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