Friday 6th December
Friday 6th December
This week we completed our paintings in the style of Barbara Rae. We were really impressed with the children's creativity.
In Maths this week we have been working with numbers to 50 to find the number that is one more and one less than a given number. We have been recording one more and one less as addition and subtraction number sentences.
It would be great if you could start to practise counting forwards to 50 and backwards from 50 to zero with your child making sure they use "ty" and "teen" correctly when pronouncing their numbers.
Thank you!
In Phonics we have learnt the alternative graphemes for ur.
ir (girl), er (ladder) and ear (learn).
Please can we again ask that you make sure you read the allocated Bug Club book this week with your child to practise the new digraphs. This makes such a difference to how your child remembers and applies this new learning in class. Please see the sticker in your child's reading log for the name of the book to read.
Thank you!
We have also allocated some games on Bug Club to practise reading and spelling words with these sounds.
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