Friday 22nd November
Friday 22nd November
Now the weather is getting colder please can you ensure that your child brings labelled gloves and a hat to school each day. Please can you help your child to learn to put their own gloves on and teach your child to put their gloves in their coat pockets to keep them safe when they are not being used.
Thank you!
This week at school we have started our Geography unit of work. We learnt the names of the seven continents and five oceans and plotted a route to travel from the United Kingdom to Antarctica. You might like to sing the Seven continents song with your child by clicking on this link!Phonics
In Phonics we have learnt the alternative graphemes for oo (spoon) and oo (book).
ew (blew), ue (blue), u_e (flute), oul (should) and u (push).
Please can we again ask that you make sure you read the allocated Bug Club book this week with your child to practise the new digraphs and new tricky words 'through' and 'thought'. This makes such a difference to how your child remembers and applies this new learning in class. Please see the sticker in your child's reading log for the name of the book to read.
Thank you
We have also allocated some games on Bug Club to practise reading and spelling words with these sounds.
If you fancy an extra read to practise the alternative "oo" graphemes above, we have allocated the books below;
Follow the clues, Hilltop rescue and The Moonsnoop.
In Maths this week we have been learning to share objects equally into 2 groups to find half of an amount. We also revisited 2-D shape to practise the names of shapes and language to describe them e.g. sides, corners, straight and curved.
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