Friday 15th November

This week at school we have been learning how and why Hindus celebrate the festival of Diwali.  We have discussed the concept of good and evil through the story of Rama and Sita.  We made Divas out of clay to hold tea lights.  These are lit at Diwali time to light Rama and Sita's way home.


In phonics we have learnt the alternative graphemes for oa (soap).

(oe (toe), o-e (rope), o (cold), ow (rainbow). 

Please can we ask that you make sure that you read the allocated Bug Club book this week with your child to practise the new digraphs and new tricky words 'who' and 'again'.  This makes such a difference to how your child remembers and applies this new learning in class. Please see the sticker in your child's reading log for the name of the book to read.

Thank you

We have also allocated some games on Bug Club to practise reading and spelling words with these sounds.

If you fancy an extra read to practise the alternative "oa" graphemes above, we have allocated the books below;
The Snow Monster, Fun in the Snow,  Animal Skeletons, Let's set up the fair.

This week in Maths we have continued to work on our early multiplication skills - grouping objects into lots of/groups of 2 and counting in 2s to identify the whole amount.
The children found it quite tricky to identify how many groups of 2 were in the whole amount.  You might like to practise this at home.
e.g. "There are 4 lots/groups of 2"
"2, 4, 6, 8 - There are 8 marbles altogether."

Phonics Workshop
Thank you for coming to our Phonics workshops at school this week.  It was great to see so many of you!  Information from Mrs Robinson's Phonics presentation will be sent home next week.


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