Friday 4th October

 Friday 4th October

This week in Maths we have been learning to represent groups using  whole/part models and number sentences - see image above.  We have worked on solving simple problems e.g. There are 2 birds in the tree, how many more birds do we need to make 5?
Try the games below

In Phonics this week we have spent our last week consolidating Phase 4 Phonics - words with adjacent consonants and phase 4 tricky words.
Next week we will be starting to learn the new Phase 5 digraphs wh and ph. 
Thank you for working on the reading challenge at home with your child.  We are noticing such a difference in the confidence of the children who are reading each day at home.
We have had a delivery of bronze rocket badges so when your child completes their bronze reading challenge please let us know.

We have been doing a great job learning to participate in team games in P.E.  These practise the skills of changing speed and direction.  We were really pleased with the children's resilience and teamwork this week.

In computing we have been learning to use the search engine "Kiddle" to find out more about animals.  You might like to explore this and find out information about animals with your child at home.
We have practised our science vocabulary to describe the animals. Our science words are; predator, prey, carnivore, herbivore, omnivore, reptile, amphibian, mammal, bird, insect, fish and bird.

Please can your child bring a coat to school every day.  We go outside whatever the weather and need all children to have a waterproof coat.
Thank you!

We are trying to make collections of objects to use in art and maths in the outdoor classroom.  Please bring in any conkers, acorns, sycamore seeds,  pinecones, small stones and shells to inspire the children.

Thank you!


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