Friday 25th October

 Friday 25th October

This week we have started our longitudinal science project to find out if the animals that live in the pond change throughout the seasons.  We will go pond dipping in the autumn, winter, spring and summer and find out about the animals that live in the pond.  The most common animal that we found in the pond in the autumn was a dragonfly nymph.


This week at school we have continued learning our new Phase 5 sounds and tricky words.  Please can we ask that you make sure that you read the allocated Bug Club book this week with your child to practise the new digraphs "ea", "e_e", "ey", "ie" and "y" and new tricky words 'called', 'asked' and 'looked'.  This makes such a difference to how your child remembers and applies this new learning in class. 

Thank you!

We have also allocated some games on Bug Club to practise reading and spelling words with these sounds.

If you fancy an extra read at half term to practise the alternative "ee" graphemes above, we have allocated the books below;

'Baby-sitting Barney', 'Easy Peasy!' and 'Sunny Days, Rainy Days'.

Thank you!


In Maths this week we have been solving problems involving subtraction.  We have been recording our thinking using number sentences and part/whole models.  We used our words to tell the number stories to our learning partners e.g. "First there were 5 fish, then 3 swam away, now there are 2 fish.

P.E. Bags

Please can you check your child's P.E. bags over half term to ensure clothes and shoes still fit.  Please can you ensure that your child has tracksuit bottoms or leggings and a warm jumper for outside P.E. and shorts and a t-shirt for inside P.E.  

Please also ensure your child brings a coat to school every day.  Please can you ensure that coats, hats and gloves are named.  

Many thanks

Thank you for all of your support this half term.


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