Friday 18th October

Friday 18th October

This week at school, as part of our science learning, we have started to find out how animals use their senses to survive.

We have used our own senses to explore activities in the outdoor classroom.  We identified food stuffs using our sense of smell and learnt how our sense of smell protects us from eating foods that have gone bad.  We made and explored different sizes of ear trumpet to find out how they changed the volume of sound that we heard.

On Wednesday we had a super visit from Zoo Lab.  We learnt how different animals use their senses to find food and escape from predators.


This week at school we have continued learning our new Phase 5 sounds and tricky words.  Please can we ask that you make sure that you read the allocated Bug Club book this week with your child to practise the new digraphs "ay", "a_e", "eigh", "ey" and "ei" and new tricky words 'Mr' and 'Mrs'.  This makes such a difference to how your child remembers and applies this new learning in class. 

Thank you!

We have also allocated some games on Bug Club to practise reading and spelling words with these sounds.

If you fancy an extra read to practise the alternative "ai" graphemes above, we have allocated the books below;

Jane and the Jay, Dave's Big Day and The Runaway train.

Thank you!


This week in Maths we have been identifying and sorting coins and making amounts of money to 30p using 10p and 1p coins.

The children found identifying and sorting coins really challenging and this would be a great thing to work on at home.  Could you empty your purse or wallet and ask your child to find all of the 2p coins or 20p coins for example?

We have also been comparing, describing and solving problems involving lengths and heights and using the language, longer, shorter, and taller.

Parents Evenings

Next week we will be meeting with all Parents and Carers to discuss how the children have settled into Year 1.

Please can you make an appointment if you haven't yet done so.

Many thanks!


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