Friday 11th October

 Friday 11th October

This week at school we have started learning our Phase 5 sounds and tricky words.  Please can we ask that you make sure that you read the allocated Bug Club book this week with your child to practise the new digraphs ph and wh and new tricky words 'oh' and 'their'.  This makes such a difference to how your child remembers and applies this new learning in class. 

Thank you!

We have also allocated some games on Bug Club to practise reading and spelling words with these sounds.

If you fancy an extra read to practise the 'ph' and 'wh' sounds, we have allocated the books below;

Dolphins, Whizz, Whooperoo and What a winner!

Thank you!



In Science this week we have been learning how animals use movement to survive.  We discussed how animals move to find food and avoid predators. We went for a walk in the woods to find animals and observe how they move.  We drew careful pictures of the animals that we collected.

This week in Maths, we have been revisiting doubling and finding equal and unequal groups.
We have also been investigating different ways of partitioning numbers and recording our findings.  We tried hard to work systematically to find all of the possible ways to make a given number - see above.

You might like to play this game to practice your number bonds.

Drama Workshop

On Wednesday we took part in a "Perform" drama workshop.  We acted out a journey into space.  The children loved taking part in this activity and had lots of fun!


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