Friday 27th September

 Friday 27th September

Thank you for ensuring that your child is arriving promptly at school.  It has made such a difference in each class to the start of the school day.

In science this week we have been learning that animals need food to survive, and that food gives them energy to move and material to grow. The children have learnt that all animals are different and so eat different foods. Some only eat plants (herbivores), some eat other animals (carnivores) and some eat both (omnivores). 

A predator is an animal that hunts, kills and eats other animals.

Prey is an animal that is hunted and killed by another for food.  

The children have used this information and vocabulary to make a simple food chain. 
You might like to watch the food chain video below.

 We have allocated the book "Rabbits" to share together on Bug Club to practise the language introduced above.
This week we have also done some first hand observations of garden snails.  We have done an investigation to find out what snails like to eat and whether they are carnivores, herbivores or omnivores.
We have done some super observations and drawings of snails.


This week in Phonics, we have been reading and spelling CCVCC words e.g. twist, crisp and drink.  The children have found hearing and including all of the sounds in these longer words quite a challenge when spelling!  You might like to use the allocated Bug Club games to practise spelling words with adjacent consonants.

In Maths this week we have been using mathematical language to compare groups of objects e.g. there are fewer bears than cars, there are more boats than bikes.  
We have been adding the missing numbers to number lines and explaining how we know where the digit goes e.g. 12 is two more than 10, 15 is one less than 16, 

If you can spare anytime to support reading in Year One this year, we would love to hear from you.  This would involve hearing children read on a one to one level.  Please let us know if and when you are available on 
We would also really appreciate any volunteers to do jobs like sticking in work and sharpening pencils!

Many thanks!


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