Friday 13th September

Friday 13th September

This week we have recapped all of our basic rights from the 'United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child' (UNCRC).

All children have the right to food, water, home, family, play and the right to learn.


This week we have started our 'Feathered Friends' learning journey. 

In school, the children identified different types of animals - mammals, amphibians, birds, reptiles and fish.  We discussed the features of each type of animal.

We have allocated 'Hungry Birds' to your child on Bug Club to share at home together and find out some facts and information about birds in preparation for our learning next week.


This week we have started to consolidate phase 4 Phonics.

The children have practised reading the phase 4 tricky words.

These words are said, like, so, there, some, were, little, come, one,

 do, when, out, what and have.

We have sent these words home in your child's reading log to


We have allocated phase 4 (unit 12 - adjacent consonant) games to

 your child's Bug Club account to practise their reading and spelling.

Please let us know if you are unable to log onto Bug Club.


This week at school we have been learning about the composition of numbers to 10 with 5 as one part e.g. 7 is the whole number - 5 is a part and 2 is a part.

P.E kits

Please can you make sure your child has named shorts, P.E shoes, t-shirt, joggers and a jumper in their P.E bag.

If they are missing items we will send their P.E bags home to be checked.


The children have started to visit the school library. They go once every other week to choose their own book. They can keep their book for 2 weeks to share at home.

Arriving at school

Thank you for arriving at school promptly. The gate will be closed at 8.50 a.m. If you arrive after this time please go to the office to be signed in and select your child's lunch.

 We still have some children who have not brought their asthma inhalers back to school.  If your child needs an inhaler, please can you bring it into the office as soon as possible.

Reading Challenge

This week we are sending home your child's rocket reading challenge card (stapled into the back of their reading log) and challenge card information from Mrs Pennington.  When you have completed the first challenge please let your child's class teacher know so that they can present your child with their special badge.

Thank you for your support.


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