
Showing posts from September, 2024

Friday 27th September

  Friday 27th September Thank you for ensuring that your child is arriving promptly at school.  It has made such a difference  in each class  to the start of the school day. In science this week we have been learning that animals need food to survive, and that food gives them energy to move and material to grow. The children have learnt that all animals are different and so eat different foods. Some only eat plants (herbivores), some eat other animals (carnivores) and some eat both (omnivores).  A predator is an animal that hunts, kills and eats other animals. Prey is an animal that is hunted and killed by another for food.    The children have used this information and vocabulary to make a simple food chain.  You might like to watch the food chain video below.   We have allocated the book "Rabbits" to share together on Bug Club to practise the language introduced above. This week we have also done some first hand observations o

Friday 20th September

  Friday 20th September   This week we have been visited by Liberty's Owl, Raptor and Reptile Centre.  We had an amazing class talk with the birds' keeper, then experienced a flying session in the hall.  The children were very excited to see such incredible birds up close.  This visit was to develop the children's science learning in relation to animals and how animals move, feed and sense their environment to survive. Phonics We have allocated a book for your child to read at home on Bug Club this week.  It is really important for your child to read this book at home as it practises the phonic sounds and tricky words that we have learnt at school and builds your child's fluency and confidence.  You will find a sticker in your child's reading log to let you know which book to read. This week we have continued to consolidate phase 4 Phonics.  We worked on reading and spelling CCVC words (consonant, consonant, vowel, consonant). The children have continued to practise

Friday 13th September

Friday 13th September This week we have recapped all of our basic rights from  the 'United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child' (UNCRC). All children have the right to food, water, home, family, play and the right to learn. Science This week we have started our 'Feathered Friends' learning journey.  In school, the children identified different types of animals - mammals, amphibians, birds, reptiles and fish.  We discussed the features of each type of animal. We have allocated 'Hungry Birds' to your child on Bug Club to share at home together and find out some facts and information about birds in preparation for our learning next week. Phonics This week we have started to consolidate phase 4 Phonics. The children have practised reading the phase 4 tricky words. These words are said, like, so, there, some, were, little, come, one,  do,  when, out,  what and have. We have sent these words home in your child's reading log to  practise . We have alloca

Friday 5th September

 Friday 5th September   Welcome back! We hope you had a lovely summer.  We are so pleased with how well the children have settled back into school. This week we have found out about the 'United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child' (UNCRC) Here is a link for parents about the UNCRC.  The children have found out about their right to a family, food, home, water and play. Over the next few weeks the children will develop their own 'class charter' based on the UNCRC and their rights. Please see this week's parent mail for additional important year one information. Reading You will find a reading log and paper phonics book in your child's book bag today.  Please can your child bring their paper phonics reading book back to school to change every Tuesday and Friday .  Please also always keep your child's reading log in their book bag so that their class teacher can complete it after reading. We will all